Saving an Under-Exposed Photo
We've all done it; you're out shooting what you think is a great scene and your camera's LCD display is showing you a great photo. Then...
The Importance of Photography to the E-commerce Marketplace
Ecommerce relies on Photography more than anything else to sell product. Rarely do people buy things without seeing them first and this...
Rhymed Editing in Fritz Lang's "The Testament of Dr. Mabuse"
The film ‘The Testament of Dr. Mabuse’ by Fritz Lang features an innovative style in editing that can be referred to as rhymed editing....
Memories and The Nature of Reality: Analyzing Chris Marker's "La Jetee"
The film 'La Jetee' by Chris Marker is a film that brings up many questions about memories and their relationship to human life. Are...
Film Analysis: Fresa y Chocolate (1993) by Tomás Gutiérrez Alea and Juan Carlos Tabío
So long as the revolution leaves out those that do not fit the ideal mold, it can never be complete. Tolerance and acceptance of others...